Author: kaiserkiwi
A new place for updates about Questlog
Hi there! It’s nothing fancy yet but it’s not Ko-fi anymore. I still use it if you want to support Questlog at any point but I wanted to move the posts out of there. Let me explain why. There are many reasons for this. First of all: I have not much control over my content.…
Questlog 0.23 – Small improvements
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Hi there! I’m currently ill, so this is just a short update. I made most of it in the last week when I still was okay, but as there are some smaller fixes and two annoyances I wanted to push it out…
Questlog 0.22 — Release dates for platforms and new Server
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Hi there! I just pushed a new release. Or let me say I had to. I wanted to make a bigger release for 0.22 but as I work with Git and all my changes are on the main branch already the server…
Questlog 0.21 — Some small improvements
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Not every update has to be big. This one is mainly to improve the systems in the background. But one small noticeable change made to the front end. A share button if you access Questlog as a web app. Share it! That’s…
Questlog 0.20 – Make it more accessible
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Accessibility is a huge topic and to met every bit is extremely hard. But Questlog had some parts that were plain inaccessible or just could be a bit better. So this update is not as exciting for most of you as others…
Questlog 0.19 – You will like that!
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. The release of version 0.18 wasn’t long ago but this one was significant. Not only because of a long requested feature but also because of a post on Mastodon. That were pretty much exactly my thoughts after I discovered a pretty neat…
Questlog 0.18 — Improved Playlists and more
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Hi there, it’s quite a while since Questlog received the last major update. But as we say in Germany »Gut Ding will Weile haben« (English: Good things come to those who wait). This time I have two of the most requested features…
Questlog 0.17 — Studios
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Hi there, a while ago I teased on Mastodon that Questlog will have studios soon. That’s the term I collect developers and publishers under. I have considered company instead of studio as other pages do but I don’t think this really fits. Indie devs often…
Questlog 0.16 — Just a little bit of convenience
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Hi there! I just dropped a little update for Questlog. This time no big features are included, but some smaller ones, that catched my eyes or were reported by you. As always I’ll go into detail for some changes. The full changelog…
Questlog 0.15 — Alternative game names are here!
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. I think we all know that Resident Evil is called Biohazard in Japan. But did you know that Fatal Frame is called Project Zero in Europe? You definitely noticed when you searched for the games of this horror series because in Questlog…