
On this page you’ll find every update that was released for

2024-07-13 — Questlog 0.27.13 & 0.27.14


  • It’s possible now to select the preferred date format in your profile preferences


  • The default date format is now YYYY-MM-DD (ISO Date) as in 2024-07-13 for the current day

2024-07-05 — Questlog 0.27.11 & 0.27.12


  • Store links are now separated from the rest of the links
  • New Store links for Xbox, PlayStation, Oculus and Nintendo (The last one is only theoretical as there’s no source for this yet; Most of the time it’s housed under “Official”)
  • Updates of games in the background should be more reliable

2024-06-18 — Questlog 0.27.8, 0.27.9 & 0.27.10


  • Reduce IGDB Cache to 30 seconds as I already have control over the frequency how often Questlog calls the API and if a game was updated twice in under 24 hours the cache prevented this
  • If a Event changes it’s slug the old URL now redirects to the new one


  • Events should update much more successfully now

2024-06-10 — Questlog 0.27.7


  • Game pages now show events where this game was shown

2024-06-08 — Questlog 0.27.5 & 0.27.6


  • Past events now also show when there are no games yet


  • Remove legacy code to update Games as it caused multiple sync errors

2024-06-07 — Questlog 0.27.4


  • Add share infos (OG-Tags) to Events

2024-06-07 — Questlog 0.27.3


  • Split upcoming and past events visually

2024-06-05 — Questlog 0.27.2


  • Events should update much more frequently now

2024-06-04 — Questlog 0.27.1


  • Remove Cache for some entities as it’s not needed anymore because of performance optimizations


  • The Timezone for Events now shows correctly

2024-06-02 — Questlog 0.27



  • Dates are now using your locale to format it (I will add a setting for a date format at a later date — No pun intended)
  • Reduce JavaScript footprint a bit by combining stuff that’s similar


  • Video cards now really use 16:9 as an aspect ratio for the images. No more layout shifts while loading the images

2024-05-12 — Questlog 0.26


  • It’s now possible to the profile of the currently logged in user via /u/me


  • The status the currently logged in user has selected for visible games is retrieved much more performant now
  • Change the base sizing of game cards so that they’re always about the same
  • Every game listing has now 24 games per page
  • Reduce file size for images in game cards
  • Optimize the sizing and spacing across the whole site to look more uniform
  • Improve manifest file to improve PWA capabilities
  • Optimize database structure to remove the need for caching games


  • Fix bug where the listing filter was in a modal on iPads despite the fact there was enough room for the filters
  • Images in video cards should now always fill the whole width
  • Add missing aria-label for alternative names

2024-05-01 — Questlog 0.25


  • It’s possible now to hide games without an image in game listings and search results


  • Error messages are now styled a bit better
  • Add language code to review items
  • Game Listings
    • The filter button in game listings is now always on top
    • Rearrange the filter button to be next to the clear button if it’s present on mobile
    • Optimize button naming for clear filter button
    • If games are filtered by something other than name the name is now the second order source
  • Added pagination to the playlist modal if the user has more playlists than fit on a page
  • The previous and next buttons of paginations now are only chevrons to save space
  • Game Updates in background should now much more reliable
  • Blocked some AI Scrapers… Nobody likes AI Scrapers
  • Dependency Updates


  • The game search suggestion has now the correct z-index again on mobile
  • The play status count in the navigation on user profiles is now always the count of the shown profile not of the current logged in user
  • The mobile search doesn’t overlay the main navigation anymore
  • Steam Import
    • The steam import doesn’t crash anymore if no playtime is present
    • If the Steam profile isn’t public a message is shown now
    • If the last played date is not available the play time is shown alone if it’s over

2024-03-08 — Questlog 0.24


  • Profile Links
    • It’s now possible to add links to your profile page
    • The profile links are now available webfinger protocol can grab them (See Mastodon link verification for example to get more info on the concept)
  • Redesign of the profile
    • Profiles now have a sidebar with the play status navigation and profile links
    • Increase number of recent reviews on profile to 6
    • The username on a profile page has now a background
  • Steam Import
    • If you add a Steam link to you profile you can access the Steam Connect page
    • The list of all owned games is fetched via the Steam API
    • If a steam game is not in the database already a job is started in the background to fetch these games from the IGDB
    • Add context menu for steam games to add it to the playlist (This context menu will soon show up on multiple places and get’s more option on… well… context)
    • Add new toggle type to steam games to sort and filter them. (Expect these new elements to show up on other pages soon)


  • Games are updated much more frequently now
  • User Play Status pages, Playlist and Review overview pages now have the new profile layout
  • Change Breadcrumb style of profile pages
  • The page is now a bit wider than before by removing the additional padding on desktop
  • Increase games on play status from 24 to 25 per page
  • If the user tries to access /play-status/{status} the page is redirected to /u/{user}/play-status/{status} for the current user now
  • The label of the status button is now only visible if the game card is at least 180px wide not 170px
  • Games on playlists are now roughly as big as games on game listings and play status listings
  • The drag handle on playlists now has a slight border if it’s not a ranked list so it’s better visible on dark covers
  • Change naming from photo to profile picture
  • Change design of profile picture upload
  • Changed Count of items on various pages
    • Decrease games on playlists from 24 to 21 per page
    • Increase game on play status pages from 24 to 25 per page
    • Decrease reviews from 16 to 12 per page
    • Decrease reviews from 18 to 12 per page
  • Add link to the Questlog blog to the footer
  • Change order of head elements based on Capo to render the page a bit faster
  • Update many dependencies in the background to close some small vulnerabilities


  • Games in the playlist preview should now always have the order defined in the playlist
  • The last updated date for playlists is now always visible
  • Reduce HTML complexity of profile pages
  • Unify spacing between elements more
  • The email input on the password forgot page is now better visible
  • If a game link is available for multiple instances of a game (Example deluxe edition etc) now every instance can have this link (Before it was only available for the game instance that was first added to the database)


  • Dropdown/context menu links now have a active state

2023-12-09 — Questlog 0.23


  • New Footer with useful links


  • Remove duplicate code for section titles and unify their look
  • Unify gaps between games, reviews and playlists
  • The new and coming soon section now only shows games that already have a cover image
  • Changed naming for site-wide CSS components to have the prefix site- to reduce confusion (only relevant if you have custom CSS for Questlog via an extension or so)
  • Remove c- prefix from all CSS components (only relevant if you have custom CSS for Questlog via an extension or so)


  • Change spacing from rem to pixel


  • Hide empty sections on game pages
  • When updating an image all image versions now are deleted
  • Content pages now have an alternative layout again
  • The share button is now correctly sized again
  • Remove corner radius of meta info in playlists on a game page when there should be none
  • The order of the arrow navigation in the search suggestion is now correct even if the results changed
  • The spacing under playlist and status descriptions is now correct

2023-11-15 — Questlog 0.22


  • Every platform now shows their own release date on the game page
  • Add collections of games for most wanted and most played to the home page


  • Move platforms on the game pages up
  • Separated the review info from the release date on the game page
  • Changed “Wiki” to “Game-Wiki” in websites to make it more distinct to “Wikipedia”
  • The release date under the game cover is now correctly labelled as “First release”
  • Change the style and position of the review section in the game sidebar
  • The icon size for action buttons is now consistent
  • Reduced DOM elements and improved semantic of HTML
  • Cleaned up some code


  • Remove unnecessary alt attributes for decorative image so screen readers don’t have to read them
  • Headlines on the game page are now properly ordered
  • Font-sizes now use rem instead of px to make them scale better with assistive technologies
  • Spacings between and in elements are now using px instead of rem to make them scale better with assistive technologies (More room for content, but a bit worse design on higher font-sizes)


  • When a game is reviewed the review score gets now updated instantly
  • The overscroll color is now the header color (Touchpad Navigation)


  • The platforms for a game now received much faster

2023-11-04 — Questlog 0.21


  • Add a share button if Questlog is opened as an web app


  • Improved typography in multiple places
  • Updated some dependencies


  • Studios now get fetched again correctly
  • If a game is updated and should get a new cover image that’s now updated correctly too

2023-10-02 — Questlog 0.20


  • When a game is renamed and it’s url changes a redirect is now created
  • It’s now possible to set a status via keyboard with 1-5 when the dialog is open (Remove the status via 0 or ^)
  • It’s now possible to quick select a playlist via 6-8 if available, when the play status dialog is open


  • The logo is now an actual SVG instead of an SVG and rendered text
  • Improved the styling of dropdown menus
  • Added Ko‑fi link to responsive navigation
  • Changed font from Mona Sans to Public Sans
  • Based on this changed font weights and sizes in multiple places
  • Moved the Close-Button of modals a bit more to the right
  • Every instance of a status icon now has a slight drop-shadow
  • Changed the size of the date info in game cards
  • The ranked checkbox for playlists is now a bit more highlighted in the playlist edit form
  • Cleaned up login, register and password forgot form
  • Optimized Open Graph content for playlists and reviews
  • Increased maximum description length for playlists to 1000 instead of 300 characters
  • The description of playlists now can have line breaks


  • The hamburger button on mobile now has a title
  • Click-/Tap-Targets increased for action buttons, like buttons, playlist authors, dates on playlists and reviews and website links on game pages
  • The play status selection now always shows the icon of the status instead of the gamepad icon
  • When the status selection is closed the focus is set to the button that initiated the click
  • Improved focus styles for list items


  • Empty playlists aren’t visible in the playlist overview anymore
  • Studios are now available as filter when searching
  • Fixed the color on hover/focus state for platforms on ranked playlists

2023-09-11 — Questlog 0.19


  • Added option to like playlists and reviews
  • Added new private pages to view your likes


  • Added new game titles for the randomized search placeholder based on the most finished games on Questlog
  • Changed the design of the “You have to login” message to be more subtle and integrated in the page layout
  • Added missing empty state for the playlists index page of users
  • Game titles in reviews are now smaller and can have to lines
  • Changed the way the game count is displayed on playlist items
  • Unified some background and text colors across games, reviews and playlists
  • Removed the split background color of the page and gave the header a distinct color instead
  • Changed many button stylings to fit with the new background styling
  • Changed the design of reviews to fit every info better
  • Greatly improved cache handling on game pages
  • Reviews are now always linked to their detail page via the date
  • The date of a review is now always visible
  • Improved database performance a bit
  • Firefox: The playlist selection and status selection now have a blurred background as every other browser


  • The last game from similar games isn’t removed anymore
  • If an image isn’t received from server correctly the placeholder image is now shown instead of a broken image
  • When clicking/tapping a playlist twice very fast while you try to add it to a playlist there won’t be an error anymore
  • Game cards on ranked playlists now have the same background color as other game cards
  • Firefox/Safari: Reduced flickering of game cards on hover
  • Firefox: The native autocomplete now doesn’t annoy you anymore when the search suggestion is open
  • Firefox: Action buttons now have proper spacing when a label is present
  • Firefox: Improved font rendering

2023-08-29 — Questlog 0.18


  • It’s now possible to reorder games in a playlist (via drag and drop or by clicking on the handle an type the position)
  • It’s now possible to set a playlist as ranked with a distinct design and badge in listings
  • Added new page to see all public playlists (or member visibility for logged in users)
  • Added new page to see all reviews for all games
  • Changed user profile urls from to


  • When categories aren’t filtered in the game listing or search, then everything is returned
  • The playlists now have a options menu with the option to edit meta data, reorder the playlist, activate remove game mode or delete the playlist
  • Changed the design of the dropdown menu
  • Modals now close also on ESCAPE
  • Dialogs can now be confirmed via ENTER
  • It’s now mandatory to confirm the removal of a game from a playlist
  • Playlists now use the smaller grid (Compared to status lists)
  • After removing a game from a playlist the page is remembered
  • Changed the playlist game count to 30 per page
  • Optimized some database queries to speed up the page
  • Reduced the smallest font size from 13 to 12 Pixel
  • The platform list in search suggestion and ranked playlists now shows the remaining platforms via a +N label instead of just …
  • Removed Genres and Platforms pages from navigation
  • On home the last 9 games of each release category (New & upcoming) now are loaded to look nicer on mobile (the last one is hidden on bigger screens)
  • Added links to the playlist and review pages on home next to the headlines for their sections
  • Optimized the styling of game cards a bit
  • Added last update date to playlists in listings
  • Added redirects for all profile routes so it’s not necessary to change all links to your profile
  • Changed main font to system font instead of Mona Sans — Mona Sans is now only used for headlines
  • Improved Caching to speed up Questlog
  • Updated multiple dependencies
  • Added tons of automated tests to ensure everything works as expected in the backend


  • Added missing release date to search suggestion
  • Multiple little styling fixes

2023-07-11 — Questlog 0.17

  • When a game is added and the studio is unknown it gets fetched now
  • Added option to filter for studios
  • Studios are now listed in game meta
  • Filters and dark badges aren’t rounded as much anymore to avoid visual problems when many filters are set
  • Improved performance on the homepage

2023-06-18 — Questlog 0.16


  • The rating stars on the game show page are now linked to the game reviews overview
  • Added keyboard navigation to search suggestion
  • Added Tests for playlists
  • It’s now mandatory to confirm the 2FA process with a valid code
  • Under the QR code is now the OTP url if the code can’t be scanned


  • Playlists now have a fixed identifier, so the URL is always valid even when the name changes
  • Improved image formats for some images
  • Changed the handling of some assets
  • Inputs in the account settings are now better visible
  • Added default Open Graph image (The one you see at the top)


  • The message, if a playlist is private now is shown again
  • It’s not possible to access some uncritical admin routes anymore

2023-05-07 — Questlog 0.15

  • feat: Alternative names are now fetched for every game
  • feat: Added tooltip for alternative names
  • feat: The alternative names are now part of the search index
  • style: Changed the postion of the game page actions so they’re now are directly on the game image
  • style: The game image is now a bit smaller on mobile
  • style: Moved parent box over the description instead of over the whole game page
  • a11y: The status and playlist buttons now have labels
  • fix: Added missing games index link to the breadcrumb of review pages
  • fix: The game image now has no rounded corners anymore in the game cards

2023-05-01 — Questlog 0.14

  • Images are now delivered in proper dimension instead of always outputting the full resolution

2023-04-02 — Questlog 0.13

  • Optimized error pages
  • Notification when Questlog is deploying
  • Videos, such as trailers, are now saved for games
  • Changed Chevron on all “More”-Links
  • Added lazy loading for multiple image types

2023-03-25 — Questlog 0.12

  • Added the additional game status “Paused”
  • It’s now possible to change the status of a game directly from the search suggestion
  • Changed the way the game statuses are displayed
  • Improved the filter button placement if you add Questlog as a PWA
  • Optimized some additional page stylings (some spacings and font-sizes here and there)
  • On 320px phones (first iPhone SE) the game listing now shows two games in a row instead of one
  • Reduced the time the search suggestion needs to react

2023-03-19 — Questlog 0.11

  • Added game list filtering and sorting for overall games index, search, genre listings and platform listings
  • Added game themes to games and added filter option for themes
  • Default filtering after specific game types removed from everything but the search suggestion
  • Added badges to game listings so you always know if this a main game, a mod or a remake
  • All Game listings now have an proper empty state
  • Genres are now translated in German where it makes sense
  • The game count for platforms is now counted once a day instead of being counted every time you visit the genre or platform overview
  • Platforms that have less than 5 games are now removed from filters and listings to reduce clutter (They’re still accessible via direct links)
  • Optimized database queries and remove caching for multiple views
  • Optimized wording for several strings
  • Optimized the styling for several areas of Questlog
  • Linked the Newest releases and next releases to a filtered listing
  • Fixed unreadable recovery codes for 2FA
  • Added some missing german translations

2023-02-18 — Questlog 0.10

  • Completely redesigned the status selection with new icons
  • Made the status buttons a bit more accessible
  • Added the users last three playlists to the status selection modal
  • Refined the Design of the play statuses on the game page
  • Refined the Design of the play status navigation
  • Fixed visual bug if a playlist name gets too long
  • Disabled unwanted hover effects on touch input
  • Changed the visual layout of the websites
  • The search should now me better sized on iPad
  • Action buttons now have a clearer hover effect
  • All buttons have now a much smaller border radius
  • The search suggestion now goes instantly away if the field is empty
  • The search suggestion now goes away when you click out of the search
  • Optimized some stylings for badges
  • The mobile navigation is now an overlay and fades in instead of moving the content down

2023-02-10 — Questlog 0.9

  • Reviews can’t be too long in the overview anymore
  • Added Ko‑fi Link to the footer ☕️❤️
  • It’s now possible to view all reviews of a single game
  • It’s now possible to view a single review
  • If there are no playlists for a game, there is no playlist headline anymore
  • It’s now possible to select in which language you write a review
  • The textarea for reviews and playlist descriptions now grows with it’s content
  • Changed the way the height is calculated for the review form
  • Star ratings have now the proper color in the form
  • Added noise texture to the background
  • Fixed wrong modal title if you edit a review
  • Optimized some caches
  • Added TERF-info on Wizard game
  • Optimized the Search Suggestion to be a bit less “sticky”

I have to gather information about 0.2 to 0.8 in my git repository as I never posted these on Ko-fi. Stay tuned.