Category: General
Two years of Questlog
Two years. Phew. I actually never thought that Questlog would be the thing it is now after two years. The idea started as a simple Excel-Replacement. Now it’s a small community. I used other services before I started Questlog. But their limitations in the free tier always annoyed me. Why am I restricted in the…
One year of Questlog
When I started Questlog a year ago I never thought I would have more than 20 users. Not after a year. Ever. But this imaginary boundary was crossed after just a few weeks. Now a year later Questlog is the home of 178 users and it’s constantly growing. Without ever advertising it more than posting…
A new place for updates about Questlog
Hi there! It’s nothing fancy yet but it’s not Ko-fi anymore. I still use it if you want to support Questlog at any point but I wanted to move the posts out of there. Let me explain why. There are many reasons for this. First of all: I have not much control over my content.…
Let me tell you a bit about Questlog
This article was originally published on Ko-Fi and may have been modified slightly. Hello everyone. You’re probably wondering what the hell Questlog is. It’s a place where you can keep track of the games you want to play, are playing, or have finished. You can also write reviews or create your playlists to show the…