Author: kaiserkiwi
Event Playlists
Hi there! As you may have noticed on Mastodon, I don’t write long posts about every update anymore. It’s time consuming and I don’t have the feeling anyone really reads it. I still update the Changelog regularly though. Since the last post a few new features got introduced like quickly add games directly from a…
Two years of Questlog
Two years. Phew. I actually never thought that Questlog would be the thing it is now after two years. The idea started as a simple Excel-Replacement. Now it’s a small community. I used other services before I started Questlog. But their limitations in the free tier always annoyed me. Why am I restricted in the…
Questlog 0.31.0 — Another Fruit Salad
A few months ago I released an update I called “Fruit Salad“. And I guess now I have another one. Fruit salads are tasty, so we probably should have them regularly. As a short summary: That’s just an update without a clear focus, with some “low hanging fruit” tickets, I created for Questlog. This time…
Questlog 0.29 – Technical Debt
Hi there! This update is more exciting for me than for you all, because it removed a big burden of mine: Technical Debt. In development the term describes the phenomenon that you have to update your dependencies (Like Frameworks, Third Party scripts etc) or change your code in a way it’s more modern or efficient.…
Questlog 0.28 – Simplified Reviews
Hi there! Long time to update. At least nothing as big as the Events. To be fair this one isn’t as big too but I wanted to change this for a long time and after my summer break I finally had the time and energy for this. The review system just got a bit more…
Questlog 0.27 – Events
You know this feeling? You watch a gaming event and there are so many great games! But what was the title exactly? How am I supposed to find it on Questlog to mark it as “Want to play”? Because of this some dedicated users and me have sometimes created playlists for these events. But this…
Questlog 0.26 — Optimizations
Sometimes a release is a bit smaller. This is one of these releases so I don’t really have to say much. But I address some things I wanted to do for a while. Performance optimiziations One thing is pretty much a main performance issue. Or better… it was. When I started with Questlog my understanding…
Questlog 0.25 — Fruit salad!
What the heck is this title you wonder? Well, I had a little problem to find time to develop awesome things for Questlog. My little toddler is on their way to two years and develops so fast, that Questlog develops a bit slower. Sorry for that. But well, what has this to do with fruit…
Questlog 0.24 – Get your Steam games to your shiny new profile!
Hi there! I finally had some time to finish some things in the background many of you asked for some time now. Technically it was one feature I was working on and when I thought about the implementation everything escalated quickly. I wanted to add the long awaited Steam integration that lets you add you…
One year of Questlog
When I started Questlog a year ago I never thought I would have more than 20 users. Not after a year. Ever. But this imaginary boundary was crossed after just a few weeks. Now a year later Questlog is the home of 178 users and it’s constantly growing. Without ever advertising it more than posting…