Event Playlists

Hi there!

As you may have noticed on Mastodon, I don’t write long posts about every update anymore. It’s time consuming and I don’t have the feeling anyone really reads it. I still update the Changelog regularly though.

Since the last post a few new features got introduced like quickly add games directly from a playlist or status or the new release pages.

The new feature though is something I wanted for a long time for myself. Every time a gamingevent was over, I wondered why there was no playlist of all the trailers. That’s one reason I created the Events section of Questlog in the first place. Finally I had a place with all games and videos neatly listed. But that was no playlist.

Automatically created YouTube Playlists for Gaming Events

So… When I have all these videos I already enrich with the thumbnail and Duration I get from the YouTube API, there should be an option to create a YouTube playlist out of these videos, right?

After every event I built these playlists for me privately, manually to conveniently watch the trailers without having to watch the whole stream with all the stuff around. Technically I often didn’t save time as the saved time while watching these playlists was spent on creating the playlist.

Now I don’t have to do this anymore, as I now just klick a button in the backend of Questlog to create a Playlist based on a gaming event that is already in the database.

Currently this is no completely automated process as the YouTube API Quota Limit is quite low and I don’t want the rest of the page that uses this API to be affected from a fully used Quota Limit. But I work on a process that allows me to create the playlists for all previous events in the background.

This is just a view behind the curtain. For you as a user there is just a new feature. A new button on the events page that links to a generated YouTube playlist of all games you see already listed on the Game Events page on Questlog.

An example? On the Events page of the last State of Play is not only the link to the Livestream but now also a Link to the Playlist on YouTube.

This means Questlog now also has a YouTube Channel. But I currently don’t plan to upload any videos there. This might change in the future but I want to be transparent here.


As always the unfiltered Changelog:


  • Events can now have automatically generated YouTube Playlists with the videos of the event
    • As the YouTube API Quota Limit is quite low I have to do it manually for now, but in the future this will be automated
    • Only Events with 5 or more videos are eligible for a YouTube playlist


  • Change the Layout of the Events page
    • The layout on bigger screen is now a three column layout
    • The start time is now below the image
    • The Event links are now in the additional right column
  • The games on the Release pages of Questlog 0.34 are now sorted alphabetically